What is your gift? Soul Realignment® is a transformational intuitive therapy that explores your akashic records to provide a reading of who you are at soul level including your gifts and characteristics.
When we know who we are at soul level it makes it easier to make positive choices for ourselves. We can then start to understand which karmic patterns can be changed for greater abundance. Learn how to become empowered with postive action.
What is included in the akashic records reading? The reading includes research into your akashic record to discover your devine soul blueprint (gift and soul group), soul profile and any karmic patterns that are ready to be changed for the better.
The reading is presented and discused with you via a live video or telephone session, which takes about an hour and is recorded. After the session you will be sent the audio and a tailored 21 day clearing statement to work with.
Contact me for options and tailored packages, email to find out more, or call Pip on 07957 486 335.