
To gain maximum benefit from the oils on the skin and through inhalation of the vapours, avoid washing or bathing for approximately 4-8 hours after treatment if you can.
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight as some oils can make the skin photosensitive. Your therapist will advise you if this is the case.
As massage can be a detoxifying treatment, avoid alcohol, smoking and excessive tea or coffee drinking for 24 hours after treatment. Some oils will enhance the effect of alcohol so care must be taken if driving or working - your therapist will advise you if this is the case.
Drink plenty of water to help eliminate the toxins from your body.
Eating light meals for the rest of the day will allow the body to concentrate on natural healing.
You may feel relaxed and tired after a massage. Take care if driving or working. Allow your body to rest to enable the full therapeutic benefit of the oils to take effect.
Do not use any other skin preparations until eight hours after treatment.
1 hour - £35.00 / 1.5 hours - £45.00
For more information please email or call Pip on 07957 486 335.
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight as some oils can make the skin photosensitive. Your therapist will advise you if this is the case.
As massage can be a detoxifying treatment, avoid alcohol, smoking and excessive tea or coffee drinking for 24 hours after treatment. Some oils will enhance the effect of alcohol so care must be taken if driving or working - your therapist will advise you if this is the case.
Drink plenty of water to help eliminate the toxins from your body.
Eating light meals for the rest of the day will allow the body to concentrate on natural healing.
You may feel relaxed and tired after a massage. Take care if driving or working. Allow your body to rest to enable the full therapeutic benefit of the oils to take effect.
Do not use any other skin preparations until eight hours after treatment.
1 hour - £35.00 / 1.5 hours - £45.00
For more information please email or call Pip on 07957 486 335.