
Japanese: rei - spiritual
sacred ki - energy
The healer acts as a channel for Universal Life Force (healing energy) that passes through the hands of the healer to the body of the client. The ULF works to clear energy blockages within the client's physical and emotional body enabling a balance. A session is often a relaxing and gentle experience that can leave the client
feeling relaxed with a sense of well-being.
There are many stories about the benefits of Reiki including healing modern day illnesses. It can be a truly enlightening experience. The treatment includes a Chakra balance and relaxation.
1 hour - £35.00 / 1.5 hours - £45.00
Email Pip or call 07957 486 335 for more information or to book a therapy.
sacred ki - energy
The healer acts as a channel for Universal Life Force (healing energy) that passes through the hands of the healer to the body of the client. The ULF works to clear energy blockages within the client's physical and emotional body enabling a balance. A session is often a relaxing and gentle experience that can leave the client
feeling relaxed with a sense of well-being.
There are many stories about the benefits of Reiki including healing modern day illnesses. It can be a truly enlightening experience. The treatment includes a Chakra balance and relaxation.
1 hour - £35.00 / 1.5 hours - £45.00
Email Pip or call 07957 486 335 for more information or to book a therapy.